unfoldings that began in june have finally emerged.
my winter collection found it's way to the ark last week.
that brings my crown grand total for the last 10 years to 1989.
wow! that is a lot.
loving all their evolutions but loving the materials of my current collection the most ever. so many of my handmade details, including the beeswax floral tape (for the foundational construction) hidden under recycled, wool sweater wrappings.
new this winter you will find tiny ceramic cups and saucers (some with pure silver accents), tiny silver plated spoons and ceramic buttons all compliments of my adorable little kiln i was able to purchase in march of this year. a truly liberating piece of equipment for me and greatly expanding my worlds of possiblilitea.
pictured is one of my favorite crowns of this collection. a simple circlet with a bronze butterfly set with a tiny stone and sewn to a simple band wrapped in silk sweater.
ahhhh simplicitea : )